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Welding Path Teaching and Section Condition Designation

Teaching for a welding task is identical to the standard teaching. MoveL, MoveC, MoveB and MoveSX motion commands can be linked with welding functions. If a motion command is added to a welding block, the Arc-On toggle button will be displayed on the bottom of the Advanced  Option menu. When Arc-On is enabled, welding is performed during motion, but when disabled, the welding motion is performed without being linked to the welding function.

Once a welding motion is selected, its welding conditions can be changed. However, a single welding block can only save information for one valid welding/weaving/torch, so if a change is made to a section of a specific motion, real-time condition changes from the popup menu cannot be made during that motion.





Select Welding Motion

(Motion for Welding)

Select whether to use the corresponding command as a welding motion.


Condition Adjustment

(Adjust Condition)

Change Welding Condition

Change the values of the selected welding condition.

Change Weaving Condition

Change the values of the selected weaving condition.


Movement Speed Adjustment


In order to change the welding speed, select the Local tab and enter a new speed. The unit used is cm/min. The acceleration and rotation speed/acceleration settings can be changed on both the Global and Local tabs.

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