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Welding Task Settings (Start Welding – End Welding)

Commands with welding functions can be selected from TB/TW – Welding Command.




Task List Area

The command being programed is displayed.


Welding Command


Create a block composed of Start Welding – End Welding in the Task List.

Welding Line

Create a block composed of Start Welding – End Welding in the Task List. The corresponding block will contain motion commands to perform move to approach (Approach), move welding start pose (Arc Start), welding motion (Arc End), and move to retract pose (Retract). Welding path motions between Arc Start - Arc End can be added with MoveL.

Welding Circle

Create a block composed of Start Welding – End Welding in the Task List. The corresponding block will contain motion commands to perform move to approach (Approach), move welding start pose (Arc Start), welding motion (Arc End), and move to retract pose (Retract). Welding path motions between Arc Start - Arc End can be added with MoveC.

Welding Blend

Create a block composed of Start Welding – End Welding in the Task List. The corresponding block will contain motion commands to perform move to approach (Approach), move welding start pose (Arc Start), welding motion (Arc End), and move to retract pose (Retract). Welding path motions between Arc Start - Arc End can be added with MoveB.

Welding SplineX

Create a Block composed of Start Welding – End Welding in the Task List. The corresponding block will contain motion commands to perform move to approach (Approach), move welding start pose (Arc Start), welding motion (Arc End), and move to retract pose (Retract). Welding path motions between Arc Start - Arc End can be added with task spline motion (MoveSX).

Selecting a command will create a welding block composed of Start Welding and End Welding in the Task List. Add motion commands to the welding block to interface with welding during motion. Press the Start Welding task line to start setting tasks in the Property tab.


Skills cannot be added to the welding block.

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