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TCP Calculation

Whenever the torch has been re-installed or the wire stick-out changed, it is recommended that you manage the consistency of TCM mechanically by using the TCP management jig to prevent inconsistency between the set TCP value and the actual wire end position. However, if it is difficult to accurately identify the TCP according to the changed torch and wire stick-out, TCP calculation can be used to easily make adjustments. The TCP pose and angle are calculated, and the manual calculation function can be used when necessary.

TCP Pose Calculation Function

This creates four different poses centering around a fixed point while maintaining a constant wire stick-out, and then records Pose 1 through Pose 4. It is recommended that you prepare fixed probes in the surrounding area and utilize them as fixed points. Press the TCP Calculation button and the calculated TCP position will be displayed in the Position-X/Y/Z/A/B/C item. ➊Stick Out can be used to correct the length in the Z-axis direction of the TCP coordinate from the calculated TCP pose. To apply the correction, press the TCP Calculation button and the recalculated TCP position will be displayed in the Position-X/Y/Z/A/B/C item. If the TCP angle calculation function is not used, the TCP angle (A, B, C) values must be entered separately.

TCP Orientation Calculation Function

Once TCP pose calculation is complete, activate the ➋Orientation Calculation item. This creates four different poses centering around a fixed point while maintaining a constant wire stick-out after removing the nozzle, and then records Pose 1 through Pose 4. It is recommended that you prepare fixed probes in the surrounding area and utilize them as fixed points. Press the TCP Calculation button and the calculated TCP pose and orientation will be displayed in the Position-X/Y/Z/A/B/C item.



Stick Out

Enter the discharged wire length (default: 0.000mm).


Orientation Calculation

Select this option and enter the 4 additional teaching points following the procedure described in to perform auto-calculation of TCP orientation.


TCP Calculation

Once stick-out, TCP pose calculation, 4 teaching points and the calculate orientation option are selected, enter 4 additional teaching points and press the button to display the TCP pose and orientation (if this option is selected) calculation results.

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