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Skill Planning

Users need to plan the screen configuration and the sequence of the robot’s action before preparing the skill.

  1. Plan the user input screen and select the UI Component
  2. Action Sequence Planning

Plan the user input screen and select the UI Component

It is an example of planning the user input screen and selecting the UI component of ‘Sample_Pick’ skill.

CategoryNameFunctionUI Component
Basic SettingReference PoseReference Pose

Gripper SettingGripper Release (Option)Gripper Action Option

Gripper Wait TimeGripper Wait Time

Set TCP (Option)TCP option

Approach/Retract Pose Setting (Option)Approach/Retract DistanceEnter the distance from the reference pose

Velocity for Approach/Retract PoseEnter the velocity to the point away from the reference pose

Acceleration for Approach/Retract PoseEnter the acceleration to the point away from the reference pose

Action Sequence Planning

The following is an example of preparing a flow chart on the action of the ‘Sample_Pick’ and ‘Sample_Place’ Skills.

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