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Jog Function

In Jog mode, the user can navigate the entire work space or set the operation space the user configured as the robot operation space. The movement angle of each axis can be limited according to the selected operation space and joint angle limit of the safety setting.

To use the jog function, tap the  

Jog button on the main menu.

  • In Auto mode, the "Jog" button is disabled, so the function is unavailable.
  • The Jog function cannot be used during Servo Off.
  • The robot is operated manually in the Jog screen, so the robot only moves when the Jog button is pressed.
  • It is possible to move the robot based on the current position on the Jog tab screen.
  • The robot can be moved by configuring the target angle/coordinates on the Move tab screen.
  • It is possible to configure the reference coordinates on the Jog tab screen and Move tab screen as a joint or task.
  • The robot’s alignment reference is selected in the Align tab screen.


  • On the Align screen, if the safety signal I/O, POS_3_ENABLE_SWITCH, is set, the Servo On and Jog functions are available only if this signal is inputted.
  • If the robot cannot be navigated due to being located in a space other than the operation space of the Jog mode, set the robot operation space to “None” to allow the robot to be navigated.
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