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Precautions for Use


  • Do not operate the robot if the robot is abnormal. The user may be injured.
  • Do not put fingers inside the controller with power supplied. Live cables are connected, which may lead to electrocution or injury.
  • Do not modify the robot. Doosan Robots is not responsible for for any issues that occur due to unauthorized modification.
  • Do not enter the robot’s operation area or touch the robot when it is operating. This may lead to colliding with the robot, resulting in damage to the robot or injury to the individual.


  • Make sure to read and understand the manuals for all equipment installed.
  • To prevent accidents by getting caught by the robot, do not wear loose clothing or accessories when operating the robot. Tie long hair to prevent accidents with hair getting caught by the robot.
  • Before operating the robot, comprehensive risk assessment must be performed.
  • Safety-related parameters must be determined through the comprehensive risk assessment, and safety parameter settings and the operation of safety functions must be verified before operating the robot.
  • Nudge and Hand-guiding must only be used if risk assessment approves its use.
  • If an error occurs on the controller or the teach pendant, activate the emergency stop function, identify the cause of the error, find the error code on the log screen and contact the supplier.
  • Make sure to become completely familiar with the robot user manual prior to operating the robot.
  • If the teaching pendant warns the user of a critical error, immediately engage the emergency stop switch, identify the cause of the error, resolve the error and then resume robot operation. If the critical error cannot be resolved, contact the sales agent or robot supplier.
  • Direct teaching must only be performed in safe environments. Do not operate the robot if there are sharp edges or jamming near the tool and its surroundings.
  • Before performing direct teaching, make sure accurate inputs (tool length, weight, center of gravity) are made. If inputs are different from the tool specification, direct teaching error or malfunctioning can occur.
  • To ensure user safety, joints may operate at a certain speed or higher, or the maximum speed of the TCP may be limited during direct teaching. If the limit is exceeded, the protective stop function activates.
  • Enable/disable the direct teaching function when the robot has completely stopped. If the direct teaching function is enabled/disabled during robot operation, malfunctions may occur.


  • Take caution of the robot’s movement when using the teach pendant. Failure to do so may lead to colliding with the robot, resulting in damage to the robot or injury to the individual.
  • Collision with an object generates considerable kinetic energy, leading to dangerous situations. This energy is proportionate to the speed and payload. (Kinetic Energy = 1/2 Mass x Speed^2)
  • Combining different machines may increase existing risks or create new risks. When a robot is integrated into a system, perform risk assessment of the entire system.
  • If different safety levels and emergency stop performance levels are required, always select the higher level.
  • If a machine that can cause damage to the robot is integrated, it is recommended to individually test all functions and robot programs.
  • It is recommended to test the robot program by designating temporary waypoints outside another machine’s workspace. Doosan Robotics is not responsible for damages that occur due to programming error or robot malfunctioning, as well as damage to the equipment.
  • If the power plug is disconnected or the power is shut off during robot and controller operation, robot and controller failure can occur.
  • For information about additional modules, refer to corresponding manuals.
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