Offset sweep path generation
Offset sweep path is a path sweeping a whole surface. Surface edge is repeatedly offset into surface center until there is no space.
- Open a CAD file
- Create edge of the surface.
- Open the path generation window.
Click [Create Path] button and select the [Create Offset Sweep Path] option. - Set path generation options.
- Group: a group which newly created paths belong. If the [Create Group] check box is check, a new group named the name of the selected surface is created.
- Tool Diameter: It means offset or distance between pattern. The negative value or zero is not allowed.
- Avoid Hole: When there is a hole inside the surface, the user can decide that the path ignores the hole or not. If the flag is the checked, the holes which its radius is less than the Radius value are ignored.
- Merge mode : It decides the motion type of the created path.
Depending on the type of motion, the original curve may be separated or combined. You have the following options:
Preserve original curves
Each original curve becomes a path segment. When creating a script code, a line segment is translated into a MoveL motion and a curve segment is translated into a MoveSX motion. When a curve has edges which its angle is 90 degree, the motion cannot be run. In that case, the user should modify the path before creating a script.
Merge as the spline motion path
Merge whole curves into a curve which can be translated into a spline motion. If the angle between two curves is greater than the merge allowance angle, the path segment is split.
Merge as the blend motion path
Split the curves into lines and arcs so to create a blend motion. The curve is split into arcs based on the arc tolerance.
- Select a surface and edge to create a path.
- Click [Create] button.
- Check the result.
A new path is created in the Path data group. If the user checked [Create Group] option, then a path group is created.A path segment is a list of path points. The robot controller creates motion trajectory based on the points. Each path point defines position and direction vector. The direction vector means orientation at the position. The direction vector of a path point is initially set as the normal vector of the surface at the position.
To reverse the whole direction vector, try to create a path again after reversing the surface.