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Company LogoAttach a logo image of the company manufacturing the Worcell Item.
IP AddressEnter the IP adress for the remote location.
Port NumberEnter the port number for the remote location.

Output/Input Signal

Output Signal

Write Signal NameSet the name of the signal to add. Only English characters and "_" symbols can be entered, and the maximum length is 20 characters.
Address Type

Set the address type of FOCAS.

  • Address Type
    - G,F,Y,X,A,R,T,K,C,D,M,N,E,Z
Start AddressSet the start address.
Data Type

Set the data type of FOCAS.

  • Data Type
    - Bit, Char, Word, Long, Float, Double
Bit Offset/CountSet the offset for bit and data count for other data types.

Input Signal

Read Signal NameSet the name of the signal to add. Only English characters and "_" symbols can be entered, and the maximum length is 20 characters.
Address Type

Set the address type of FOCAS.

  • Address Type
    - G,F,Y,X,A,R,T,K,C,D,M,N,E,Z
Start AddressSet the start address.
Data Type

Set the data type of FOCAS.

  • Data Type
    - Bit, Char, Word, Long, Float, Double
Bit Offset/CountSet the offset for bit and data count for other data types.
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